1·The flow patterns close to the non-submerged spur dikes are discussed on the basis of flume experiment.
2·Then, the calculating method of initial scour velocity of bed sand around submerged spur dikes is suggested.
3·The dye injection and oil-film method together with electromagnetic velocimeter are applied to measure the flow field around spur dikes.
4·The scour limit depth around spur dikes is very important for calculating the base depth of objects and it is a key factor in designing and working.
5·It is of great importance for the design of channel regulation structure to explore the effect of spur dikes on flow, and to study the flow structure near the spur dike.
6·Test results show that spur dikes aligned along a single bank in the deep water zone have more effects on the adjustment of the bed topography of the wide-shallow river than in the shallow water zone;
7·Three kinds of permeable pile dikes with different seepage rate are tested, and effect of flow control is basically the same with the spur dike.
8·Three kinds of permeable pile dikes with different seepage rate are tested, and effect of flow control is basically the same with the spur dike,.
9·Local scour is a common occurrence around hydraulic structures like spur-dikes and bridge foundations. This affair is a main reason of failure of bank protections and Bridges.